Requests and precautions when ordering custom-made products and fully custom-made products

■ Made to order

  • In our store, past production pictures are posted on the official website and SNS such as Instagram so that it is as easy as possible for customers to have an image.
    The design is greatly affected by the difference in ring size and the size of stones, so when the designer actually draws, the numbers such as height and width can be calculated.
    We will make it according to the customer's request as much as possible, but a professional craftsman will consider the balance and propose the production to match the size of the stone and the overall balance. We cannot accept orders such as "Please make it 100% the same" as the past production results and the image diagram for which you would like to custom order.
    Customers who wish to point out the differences between our proposals due to abstract and sensory discomfort in detail will be refused of ordering.
    In addition, we will do our best to meet the needs of our customers, but we kindly ask you if you have any concerns, please ask us in advance and make sure that you are satisfied with your order.

■ Cancellation

  • It is not possible to cancel after making a payment after applying for the purchase of the product. Please be sure to check the policy for details.

■ Returns and exchanges

  • Due to the nature of the product, it cannot be returned or exchanged. Please be sure to check the policy for details.
    In addition, please note that we will refrain from future transactions with customers who have trouble with our shop due to returns, exchanges, cancellations, etc.

■ About posting images on advertisements

  • Images of completed jewelry may be posted on RADIANN's website and SNS. Please note.