Distributor RADIANN
Operation manager
Phone number Please contact us by email
Telephone reception time 9: 00 ~ 17: 30
Email address radiann.official@gmail.com
Shop page URL https://radiann.shop/
Homepage URL https://radiann.shop/
Selling price Please refer to each product page.
Necessary charges other than the product price [Shipping]
・ Free shipping nationwide

・ Yu-Pack regional settings (you can specify the date and time of receipt)
Application expiration date If you do not make a payment for 3 days after placing an order, we will assume that you have no intention of purchasing and will automatically cancel your order.
Sales volume Please check each product page.
Product delivery method Depending on the delivery area, the shipping company may be adjusted and delivered. Eaves-front delivery with customer consent
Depending on the product, the delivery method may be limited and the date and time may not be specified.
Product delivery time It takes about one month to manufacture because it is made to order from ordering to shipping.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding even if you are in a hurry.

We will not ship during the End of Year and New Year, February, and Obon(Japanese Public Holiday in August).
Payment method ・ Bank transfer
Credit card payment
Convenience store payment
Returns, exchanges, cancellations, etc. Please refer to "Return, Refund, Exchange Policy"
Return shipping Please refer to "Return, Refund, Exchange Policy"